
Why do I need to pay for the domain name?

Estatoora here to help you realise your website dream. We provide free hosting and website development services to our clients. A searchable domain name of your choice is just one more step in creating that perfect website, which is why we want to make it possible for you.


Once you’re on it, access is important to a back-end admin panel so that we can make your dream website up and running.

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What is SEO and why would I require a plugin for it?

SEO is the process of optimizing your website to increase its relevance and popularity, so that it will be found by the target users. This service is a great way to boost your traffic and improve your site’s ranking in search engines like Google.

It is essential to keep a website findable by search engines, avoid losing traffic and ensure a healthy business. Our SEO strategy helps you target your audience’s primary interests and provides the most effective way to drive qualified leads through organic search results.

In online businesses, the website design plays a necessary role and content is king.


How Chatbots can help me with my website?

A chatbot is essential for boosting your website’s engagement and trust with your customers. It provides an additional channel for communication and interaction, which means that you get more conversational leads right away. More so, by having a bot handle customer service, you can reduce the workload itself.

Chatbots have changed the way we live, help us find information and make our lives easier. Now that chatbots are here, you need to take advantage of this new technology to boost your business instead of being left behind.



Can the Premium Support handle all area of my website’s technical needs?

A premium support is the basic and crucial component that can be missed on your website. You can take advantage of it to improve your website and make it one of the best in category.

It is is essential for boosting your website, helping you to solve all kinds of problems in a fast and professional way. Whether it is a assistance or support problem that you’re facing, we have a team of professionals that will assist you within minutes with their knowledge and experience.


What role does Accounting have in my website?

You can’t build a successful business with a website without an accounting. An accounting plays a huge role for boosting your website by using, which is one of the most important features you should know about, or else you will get lost in the clutter of results. 

It is is a perfect place to organize all details of your project in one place and come up with the best out of it by working on it from time to time so that you get it done with out neglecting any bit.

So if you want to take your website from the realm of mediocrity to #1, then investing in an accounting system is a must.

